Tips for finding a job in Canada before you arrive

Tips for finding a job in Canada before you arrive

  • Use your communication network in Canada:

People in your network (if any) can help you find a potential employer, ask them to introduce you if they know someone who is currently hiring. Do not hesitate to share your job requirements with them. Get help from the organizations that work on the job search path and first make sure that their work is correct. Having a membership in the College of Immigration Consultants of Canada or the Association of Lawyers of the Canadian Provinces is the most important thing to start with. At Unique Immigration Services, we benefit from the cooperation of lawyers and official consultants. So feel free to contact us and read three more important points in the next post

  • Find industries that are hiring

Can I find work in my industry in Canada? You are probably asking yourself this question, but you have to be flexible and open-minded! It can be limiting if you want to work only in a specific area.

For your reassurance, I must say that all those who immigrated to another country were forced to work in unrelated jobs or below their level of work and gradually strengthened their communication bases to reach the desired position.

So don’t exclude yourself, if you have the opportunity to get a job in a lower job, be sure to use it as the first step of the promotion ladder.
You may want to work as an electrical engineer, but there seem to be more openings for electrical technicians. With that being said, at least initially you should consider not working in your desired industry or province where you plan to settle.

  • Prepare

It all starts with your Canadian-style resume. Yes, you should Canadianize your resume because otherwise, chances are it won’t work.

Poor resumes, cover letters, and resumes that highlight tasks rather than personal or team accomplishments will keep you from even getting an interview.

  • Anticipate some of the questions the hiring manager might ask you

Yes, we are talking about an interview through the Zoom platform. If you are prepared, you will be one step ahead of your competitors.

Here are some examples of common questions you may be asked:

  • Why should we choose you over someone with more experience than you?
  • What is your biggest weakness at work?
  • Give me a summary of your current resume
  • What is your plan for the next two years?
  • At Unique Immigration Services, we are by your side from step one to one hundred in the path of finding a job, as well as offering a job through company registration and turning it into a permanent residence. Whatsapp +14165515303
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